Tranquil Path Healing
Moving Forward During Uncertainty
Dear Valued Client:
The space of time since 2020 has been perhaps the most trying we collectively have experienced in our lives. One of the most difficult things we are dealing with is the uncertainty of the virus situation; uncertainty because the virus is new and much is unknown about it and the questions stemming from that uncertainty that do not have clear answers.
As the country continues to reopen for business, we are fully in the midst of this uncertainty. With the possibility of asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19, every choice we make in the foreseeable future has a real level of risk attached. Even with stringent sanitation protocols and enhanced client screening, there still exists a risk that you or someone you know will get sick.
For those of us who have returned to business, or seriously contemplating doing so, what follows is a hierarchy of ideas and precautions strongly encouraged for us to consider for ourselves and our health. We understand that other’s practices differ: not every idea may fit for you. The reality is that, while these may be ways to make our practice safer, there is no known way to eliminate the risk of transmission and infection.
That news does not feel good for us to give. We would love nothing more than to be able to have clear guidelines on what it means to go back to normal in perfect safety and health, and hopefully someday not too far down the road we will be able to do that, but this reflects our new uncertain reality. Choose your appointment date carefully, adopt the new protocols, recognize that we may face the possibility of another pause, and understand that future practice will be different from past work.
We will continue working on your behalf and will update you as we learn more. Again, know that we are still right here. We are committed to getting through this with our amazing community intact. We wish you and your family safety, health, and well-being.
Warmest regards,
Angela Dahlen
Tranquil Path Healing LLC, Owner